Here are some of my favorite things I got last weekend at that huge auction we went to. There were hundreds of box lots(my favorite) and most of what I got was in those. This is a light blue wall pocket. There is two of them.
This is a crate FULL of old newspapers and such from the 1800's. They have great pictures to use in art and stuff.
Aren't these so pretty?!
I love Peter Rabbit! These are so adorable!
This pic was supposed to be the last one, but I still haven't completely got the hang of posting on my blog. Anyway, this is the creme de la creme!!!! Isn't it just gorgeous? It is almost 7 feet tall and about 4-5 feet wide! We had to take some of it apart to fit it in the trailer, so you might see some parts missing in the pic. Eventually it will go in the ice cream parlor Mitch and I want to start. You can't see all of it because we have it slid behind the couch for safe keeping. I might as well say right now to please excuse all the stuff you see in the background of the pictures!
Friday, May 30, 2008
My Fun Finds
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Never Enough Time!!
I had to atleast add one pic. I know, she is just too cute to handle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I'm Back!!
I am finally back! This last week was crazy busy; I had my yard sale over the weekend. It takes so much time and preparation. I haven't been on here in a whole week! I just read my favorite girls blogs and I feel like I missed out on so much! Well, the highlight of the weekend was that Mitch and I went about 3 hours south to a gigantic auction. We left the night before. We have never done anything like that before, but this auction had a bunch of stuff to start a business with, so we decided to check it out. It was also an estate auction. I made out like a bandit!!!! We could hardly fit everything! I will post pics. tomorrow. We went to the park today for a cookout; that is always nice. I am so relieved that my yard sale is over! Now I can totally focus on my swap projects and have some fun! TTFN!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Auction Stuff, Ducklings, and Stuff
Well, the auction yesterday was a bust! Stuff was going WAY to high for my taste, but I did manage to get a couple of cool things! This old brass mirror was my splurge-$12.50! I know, if that is a splurge I MUST be INCREDIBLY cheap! Well, I am. But anyway, isn't it gorgeous!!!! I was so excited!
I also got this great vintage globe from the 60's. It lights up and has an atlas in the compartment. It only set me back $2.00. That was basically it that I got from the auction. Mitch made out better than I did, which is very strange.
We stopped at the Habitat for Humanity Restore after the auction and I found this great brass cherub for $1.49! I love it!!
This lovely piece I found at a yard sale today. I am crazy over old plates with flowers on them. I have them all over the house.
Last, but not least, I made a strawberry rhubarb pie today! My mom got some rhubarb from a friend and gave some to me. I am so excited to have some!
I almost ran over a duckling this morning! He was in the middle of the road and I, being the total animal lover I am, swerved all over the road to avoid hitting the poor little guy! You will all be happy to know he made it across in one piece! TTFN!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Desert Island Swap Project
I am so excited! I have my first item done for my swap partner, Elisabeth! She likes to write, so I thought it would be fun to alter a notebook for her. It was so nice to finally have time to do some art! My only problem is I still can't write very fancy yet. I had a lot of fun doing it, I just hope she doesn't decide to visit my blog!
I put tons of ribbon and fibers on the side as well as a nice pen, a key, beads, and other stuff.
I thought I was done and realized the back didn't match, so I gave the back some pretties, too. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. We're going to an auction, so hopefully I get some good deals. TTFN!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A New Addition to the Farm Family
This is the newest member of the farm family! This little guy was born to my mom and dad's herd over the weekend! Isn't he adorable? And I just love this picture of him and E. I can never get such good pics., but I snapped at just the right moment! The little guy is so fun to have around; he is already following us everywhere and he runs around and bucks. It is so funny!
I forgot to say in my last post what I got for Mother's Day! I got a flat of flowers and the Marie Antoinette DVD(ooh-la-la:). I was excited. The shirt says it all!!
I was going to have my spring yard sale this weekend, but of course the forcast is calling for rain! Never fails! So I guess I am postponing till next weekend which I did not want to do because I want to be out yard saling, not having one! But, I think we can work something out where we watch it in shifts so some of us can go, too. We are going to an auction on Thursday, so hopefully I will have great things to show everyone on Friday! TTFN!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
Happy Mother's Day my lovely blogging beauties!!!! Here is my great Mom and I! It was sooo cold here today! Yesterday was gorgeous, but today it went the other way, but we still had a lovely day.
Here I am with my beautiful boys!
Here is my sister-in-law(her first mothers day), my niece Chloe, my Mom, and I.
And here is my sister-in-law and Chloe again. Aren't they beautiful?!! I had a super weekend! My husband actually got the weekend off, so we went yard saling Friday. Then he pulled into the message therapist parking lot and asked if she had time to give me a massage!!! She only had time for a half hour, but oh my, was it worth it! I cannot stress the importance of mothers and women getting a massage when needed!! It is a HUGE stress reliever and gives you time to just relax. We spent yesterday with Mitch's(my handsome hubby) mom and brother and sister. His sister is also a first time mom and this was her first Mom's Day, too! Then today we went to church, had a wonderful service, THEN we came home and my Dad, brother, and Mitch made us ladies a brunch(eggs, toast, steak, bacon, hashbrowns, johnny cake, and fruit!). It was so nice! I rented Becoming Jane, a movie about the life of Jane Austin. I got to watch that, and it was a very nice movie, so all in all, it was a nice, calm, Mommy Rules weekend! I hope all of you had beautiful weekends as well! TTFN!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Here She is Again!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Motherhood?! Some days I'd Rather Stick My Head in the Sand!
Yesterday was a lovely day! We went to church, and on the way home we went past my niece's house and she was outside playing, so I stopped to see if she wanted to come over. My oldest son was at youth, so I guess I felt the need to add to my children! Well, I had the bright idea of going for a picnic. We had been at church for a while, went home to get supplies, went to the store to get meat, and just as I got everything set up and ready to eat, Dylan runs up and tells me he has to go number 2. Wouldn't you think he could have gone at any of those other places?! And, of course, the parks bathrooms were locked, AND at the same moment Ethan all of a sudden got stung! So, I have Dylan running around the park squeezing his butt together and holding it, while Ethan is running everywhere screaming his flippin head off! Then Ethan got stung again!! See how such a lovely idea turns into your very own sitcom? I'm sure some of you can relate! All I wanted was a calm, nice picnic. At the end of it all, though, we got everything squared away. I had a little time to color and play with my colored pencils while they played on the playground equipment. Then I went out and played with them a while. But isn't it crazy the things we deal with on a daily basis, but still are able to find joy! God Bless our Kids even on the crazy days! TTFN!