Monday, May 5, 2008

Motherhood?! Some days I'd Rather Stick My Head in the Sand!

Yesterday was a lovely day! We went to church, and on the way home we went past my niece's house and she was outside playing, so I stopped to see if she wanted to come over. My oldest son was at youth, so I guess I felt the need to add to my children! Well, I had the bright idea of going for a picnic. We had been at church for a while, went home to get supplies, went to the store to get meat, and just as I got everything set up and ready to eat, Dylan runs up and tells me he has to go number 2. Wouldn't you think he could have gone at any of those other places?! And, of course, the parks bathrooms were locked, AND at the same moment Ethan all of a sudden got stung! So, I have Dylan running around the park squeezing his butt together and holding it, while Ethan is running everywhere screaming his flippin head off! Then Ethan got stung again!! See how such a lovely idea turns into your very own sitcom? I'm sure some of you can relate! All I wanted was a calm, nice picnic. At the end of it all, though, we got everything squared away. I had a little time to color and play with my colored pencils while they played on the playground equipment. Then I went out and played with them a while. But isn't it crazy the things we deal with on a daily basis, but still are able to find joy! God Bless our Kids even on the crazy days! TTFN!


Tangee said...

Oh my gosh, I have days like that all the time. I was going to take the boys to the movies today and guess what, the movie theatre is only open in the evenings...ugh, so we had lunch instead. I feel you, I really do.

Hipmomofboyz said...

I feel your pain or really I am laughing with you...
I always have days like that...