Friday, May 16, 2008

Auction Stuff, Ducklings, and Stuff

Well, the auction yesterday was a bust! Stuff was going WAY to high for my taste, but I did manage to get a couple of cool things! This old brass mirror was my splurge-$12.50! I know, if that is a splurge I MUST be INCREDIBLY cheap! Well, I am. But anyway, isn't it gorgeous!!!! I was so excited!
I also got this great vintage globe from the 60's. It lights up and has an atlas in the compartment. It only set me back $2.00. That was basically it that I got from the auction. Mitch made out better than I did, which is very strange.
We stopped at the Habitat for Humanity Restore after the auction and I found this great brass cherub for $1.49! I love it!!
This lovely piece I found at a yard sale today. I am crazy over old plates with flowers on them. I have them all over the house.
Last, but not least, I made a strawberry rhubarb pie today! My mom got some rhubarb from a friend and gave some to me. I am so excited to have some!
I almost ran over a duckling this morning! He was in the middle of the road and I, being the total animal lover I am, swerved all over the road to avoid hitting the poor little guy! You will all be happy to know he made it across in one piece! TTFN!


mysteryhistorymom said...

Love the mirror and the globe! Congratulations on your great finds! Lori

Tangee said...

Oh my gosh, love the mirror and the globe! Those are awesome!!!! I never find anything at our Restore Store. I did hit some deals up at goodwill and this other thrift store though.