Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

This is my first tag, so I hope I do everything right. I want to thank Tangee at ASparklyMessyLife.blogspot.com for tagging me! She is my first blogging buddy! Check out her great blog! Now I need to post the rules!

  1. Link back to the person who tagged you
  2. Post these rules on your blog
  3. Share 6 unimportant things about yourself
  4. Tag 6 people at the end of your entry

Okay, here are my bits of juicy nonimportanceness:

I have two yard sales a year, one in spring and one in fall, to get rid of all the extra junk I come home with from auctions!

I hate coffee, so I have to have Diet Pepsi for the caffiene I need. It has to be Diet Pepsi, too. No Coke for me!

I can't stand heat! It makes me sick to my stomach if I am too hot. That is why I love living up north.

I shot my first buck last fall. It was a 6 point! I love to hunt and fish, but especially to fish. There is no better day than one sitting in a boat with your line in the water!

I was Anne in our towns version of Anne of Green Gables when I was 15. It was so much fun! Except that the lady who was supposed to give my hair a rinse out red hair color ended up putting a permanent red in my hair and didn't even tell me till she had already done it! So I was a red head for a while!

I was over 10 pounds when I was born and my mom was 3 weeks overdue with me which is why my birthday is 2 days before Christmas. Highly inconvenient!

Well, those are my exciting tidbits! I don't know anyone on here other than the people who have already been tagged! I have one person I can tag, if I think of any others, I will add them! So I am tagging for now:

TractorsandClover (you know who you are:)

My Crazy Weekend

This is going to be long post, so sit and relax. My weekend was very long and very busy. So, it started out on Friday, we were going on our first yard sale outing of the season, and this pic above is the sky at 8:00 in the morning. Lovely, huh? It had been gorgeous for at least a week and a half and of course the morning I was so pumped about getting out and having fun it rained SOOOOO BAD! Lightning crashing, thunder booming. By mid morning though it had stopped.I just had to include a pic of this adorable camper we seen while we were waiting for the light to change. It isn't a very good picture, but it says "Mystery Machine" on the side and was absolutely a hoot! Completely custom painted! I have been learning that now that I am blogging I better never leave the house without a camera!

Well, because of the rain and all the yard sales starting a day before we went there wasn't a great abundance of deals, but I did manage to find a few things. My favorite sale was a little older womans. She had everything divided up and put in baggies and boxes. It was like a wonderful treasure hunt! She had tons of lace, ribbon, old crayons, everything! Above is a pic of the great lace and ribbons I got for $1.25! Most of it is vintage and what isn't is still nice.

At the same sale I got loads and loads of old seam binding and ribbon for extremely cheap! As you can see there are some great colors. I also got some old rick-rack, trim, beads, and old Crayola crayons. I even got a dozen fresh eggs from her chickens! Bonus!

Well, now we are to Saturday. Ethan had to help sell cookies and brownies and stuff at an auction, so we all went and thought we would make a day of it. Except it was very, very cold! After the rain the day before it got up to 82 degrees! Well, when we woke up the next morning, it was struggling to get to 40! We ended up not staying for the whole thing, which is REALLY hard for us, but I just couldn't get warm. Anyway, here are Ethan and Malachi hamming it up for me in the pic above.
Here is my right hand man doing one of the things he does best! Having to box up all the junk his mom buys! It is definitely not one of his favorite jobs, but it sure does help me out a lot!
Dyl and his friend Chris just hanging out.
Here's Dylan after I caught him snooping through a box of toys.
Here is Ethan and his friend and fellow scout David doing what they came to do. I guess by the end of the day the scouts made a good profit. I got a few things at the auction, but not much. I tried to get a pic of my hubby, but he runs from me when I have the camera! After the auction our niece Brenda came over and spent the night and went to church with us. So that brings us to Sunday. We went to church and got invited to stay for lasagna and games with the youth. What a blast! Of course, this was one of the times I forgot my camera!
And yesterday we had my brothers birthday pizza and cake. Never a dull moment around here! I've been tagged by a fellow blogger(Thanks, Tangee:), so later I need to post my tag info. TTFN!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Finished Project

This is my new piece that I just finished. It is so cute I almost kept it for myself! I already listed it though. I don't know what my next project will be. I usually just play it by ear. I love vintagy glittery stuff(as you can see)! And I love making something out of nothing. This WAS a dark green plaque with a moose stenciled on it. I had so much fun doing it!
I missed AI last night! I had a jewelry party to go to! We got on youtube first thing this morning to watch how David Cook did. I just knew he would do a song from Phantom of the Opera! It wasn't rockish like his other ones, but he proved he can pretty much sing anything. It was so pretty! But I love that song anyway. Gotta go for now! TTFN!

Monday, April 21, 2008

I HATE Technology!!

Could someone, anyone tell me why everything has to be so stinking difficult? I am trying to change my layout/template and everything I download or copy and paste won't go through! It says it isn't parsed well(whatever that means) and gives me no way of fixing it. I want a three column layout and banner, and everything, but I am totally lost! I can't stand that I am so stupid when it comes to this stuff! Well, now you all know what I am like when I get upset! It was bound to happen sooner or later(LOL).
We had a lovely weekend(except when I tried to get a new layout). Church was great. We are having a really good Sunday School discussion. We found out that fear of God is a good thing. Just like punishing your children and them having a fear of dissapointing you, it is the same with us and God. He is our Father and he is watching us all the time, so we need to be fearful that He can see and hear everything we do. So we need to be on our best behavior, right? Sometimes that is much easier said than done. But I try my hardest!
My middle son was gone all weekend on a Boyscout camping trip. He had a good time. All he can talk about though is how funny it was that one of his little friends fell in the creek! Poor Boy! I took pics. of me and the boys, so I will be putting them on(I hope). TTFN!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Gorgeous Neice

This is my new adorable niece. She is almost 2 months old. Needless to say, I am completely and totally smitten! My new favorite thing to do is babysit at the drop of a hat! I will stop doing what I am doing in an instant if my sister in law calls!

It probably helps a lot that it is the first girl in the family ever since I was born! It is also helpful that she is the first baby born since my last son was born almost 10 years ago! That is a long time to go without getting to cuddle a baby! I just can't get enough! I am so happy for my brother and his wife!
I am still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing. I want to put so much more on here, but am having trouble finding the time. Especially now that it is so nice outside. There is always lots to do out there! TTFN!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This is our little pomeranian Short Round after his bath! He looks so funny and crinkly afterwards! We have had him about 2 months now. He is crazy! We have always had big dogs, so having a little dog is very different. He barks at everything, snorts when he does bark, dances pretty, prances when he walks, and all kinds of other funny stuff! He's my crazy little punkbutt.

Here he is now that he is all puffy and cute and dry! This is what he normally looks like!

Here he is dancing pretty!! He is soooo cute!

This is our black lab, Tiger. He is a big baby. VERY jealous of Shorty! Everytime Shorty is getting any kind of attention, Tiger is right there doing the same! Yesterday he climbed onto my lap with Shorty and nearly crushed me! He doesn't get that he is 10 times bigger than Shorty!

So those are our dogs. We have lots of animals. We love animals. We have 2 dogs, 6 cats(2 are kittens from one of the adults, they are going to new family soon), a guinea pig, and a 3 foot ball python. He is beautiful. I got him for Christmas a year ago. My husband is scared to death of snakes, so I tell everyone I know he loves me VERY much if he would get me something is so scared of!
So, just want to put in a quick plug about American Idol before I sign off. David Cook is without doubt the best singer on there! He is so awesome every week, but last night he out did himself! I never thought a Mariah Carey song could sound like that! There, I got that out of my system. TTFN!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring, Glorious Spring!!

This is my Shasta daisy that I have had for a while. I definitely know it is spring when it starts to sprout up!

My beautiful Columbine! So pretty when it blooms!

Today we did one of my most favorite things. We finally got some nice weather(it snowed day before last!), and my husband had the day off, so we cleaned the yard and flower beds. It is so nice to be out in the sun and outside without having to wear 2-3 layers of clothes! I was so excited to unearth the first shoots of some of my perennials! Up above are shoots of the iris my sister-in-law gave me out of her Grandmother's garden! I was so excited! I have never grown iris. I got them after they had bloomed last year, so this year is the first time I will see them bloom, so I am excited to see them! Anyway, it was a gorgeous day and very satisfying. I got my pics. on here, but they are not where I wanted. Atleast I figured out how to get them on here! TTFN(Ta-ta for now)!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New to this Wide World of Blog!

This is a very new experience for me! I live in the middle of nowhere, and I don't know much about all the internet has to offer. We just got high speed internet, so I am attempting to find out. I am a romantic to the core! Love, love, love antiques, auctions, and yard sales. Love to decorate, cook, and watch movies. Romantic movies for the most part, but usually have to watch action movies since I have 3 boys and a husband! I am going to post this and see what happens. I feel like an 80 year old! I have no clue about this world full of technology, but it sounds exciting(and a bit scary)! I will be posting pics. of the things I love and my life soon(if I can figure out how to put the pics. on).